Recognize the Sacred in Your Everyday (4/11/21 - 5/2/21)

Recognize the Sacred in Your Everyday (4/11/21 - 5/2/21)

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Now offering, my very first weekend course.

This new class is an iteration of the first class I offered, “Find God in Your Life,” which also happened to be my most popular and most requested class. It centers upon a single spiritual practice that trains your eyes to recognize the sacred in the minutiae of your everyday life. God is already all around you, no matter how “religious” or “holy” you think you are or you think you’re not. I’ll help you to recognize that sacred presence all around.

The practice I teach is especially powerful and life-changing for people like me—wanderlusty and prone to envy—who are constantly dreaming about other places we’d rather be, and thereby miss the beauty of this very moment.

The secret of the universe though, a secret most people don’t realize, is that we have nothing else but this very moment! All of life, the whole gift of life, lies in this very moment.

I myself go through this spiritual practice every single night. Sometimes by myself, other times with my husband, and sometimes, if I’m lucky and the timing works out, with my children. It has shaped our family to become more present to our magnificent lives instead of take them for granted. You, too, can use this practice with your own community such as your group of friends or family, or just relish it yourself.

Other questions? Here are the FAQ’s:

When will this be happening? On the following Sundays: April 11, 18, 25, and May 2 at 9 a.m. PT. These will be 60-90 minute sessions, depending on the flow and needs of the group.

Yikes! I have kids! How can I make time for something like this? Parents, I totally get it. Here are my thoughts on this. You already give so much of yourself. Nourishing your spirituality is just one simple way to now, give back to yourself. Have an earnest conversation with your spouse, parent, or another support person, and ask them if they’d be willing to watch the kids for about 60-90 minutes on Sunday for just four weeks. I promise you that the way you’ll show up for your kids after our session will be radically different than if you hadn’t taken the class at all.

How will you meet with us? Through Zoom. I’ll provide all registrants with a link beforehand. This means you can join in from anywhere as long as you have a laptop, computer, smartphone or tablet with a camera and a microphone. At checkout, please use the email address that you’d like the weekly session zoom link sent to.

Why are you only limiting this to 9 people? Small groups work best for these kinds of spiritual exercises, giving us all a chance to speak, listen and get to know one another. We also begin the class with a vow to honor one another’s voices and keep confidentiality.

What’s the cost and are there any refunds? $199 for the entire course. You’ll receive a full refund if you’re not really into it after the first session. No refunds are available after the second session begins. 

What will you be doing with us and how can we prepare? I’ll guide you through a spiritual exercise and afterwards, we’ll process and discuss what you experienced together. I’ll facilitate the entire session, from start to finish. To get the best experience out of this, you’ll need a designated quiet space, free from interruptions and with strong internet or cell reception.

Do I have to be religious? You don’t have to identity with a particular faith tradition at all. You do need some sort of belief in a divinity or sacred presence in your life however, because the whole point of the class is to help you connect with that sacred presence!