Volume IV: Make Wise Decisions Using Spiritual Tools

Volume IV: Make Wise Decisions Using Spiritual Tools

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We all make innumerable decisions every single day. Most of the time, this process is fairly easy and intuitive. But, occasionally, we find ourselves stuck or even lost at critical junctures in our lives. We go back and forth, paralyzed by indecision, and do not feel at peace—sometimes even after we’ve made a choice.

Oftentimes, traditional reason and logic based methods such as pro/con lists and decision trees aren’t effective in that they can’t tap into our soul’s longings and intuition that are beyond words. These methods use a part of our brains that are driven by anxiety rather than hope. As such, the options we choose end up being the most risk-averse but not authentic to our true selves. 

During my early 20s, I discovered ancient contemplative spirituality, which introduced me to a whole new box of tools. These tools empowered me to make bold decisions to pursue my dream life instead of settle for much less. I didn’t even care when others judged the decisions I made because it felt so right for me!

The introduction and application of these new spiritual tools also made me realize the four primary reasons why people are indecisive or make decisions they later regret: 

  • Individuals make decisions based on fleeting impulses, cravings, feelings, or fear rather than an ultimate vision of who they want to be.

  • Individuals have low self-esteem so they settle for easy options. 

  • Individuals don’t have a strong sense of self so they’re confused as to what they want and are easily influenced by others.

  • Individuals don’t have enough information to make an informed decision but choose an option prematurely. 

The seven methods I teach you in this workbook counteracts these tendencies. If you struggle with indecision or you need a broader set of tools and methods to help make decisions (large or small), this workbook is for you.

* This 23-page workbook is in PDF format, which can be downloaded instantly upon purchase. An additional hardcopy will not be mailed to you. All sales are final and no refunds are permitted.